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Thank you


It is great to hear that MOD Management takes the safety and well-being of aspiring models as a top priority, it also highlights the importance of being vigilant and aware of potential scams in the industry.

The quickest and easiest way to apply to MOD Management is to send your images through the online application form, make sure to fill out all the sections and someone will get in touch with you if they think you have the right look.

Due to current situation, open calls have been cancelled until further notice. But if you have any questions you can still reach out to the office directly.

Please be aware that there are individuals on the internet falsely claiming to be representatives or scouts of MOD Management, if anyone contacts you claiming to be from the agency, it is important to verify their identity by calling the offices directly.

MOD Management does not conduct interviews via Skype, never requests photos in the nude or in lingerie and never require the payment of money. It's important to always be aware of these red flags, and if someone contacts you with these request, it's best to immediately alert your parents or a responsible adult and call the agency to verify their identity.

In any case, always be safe and good luck on your pursuits.

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